- I forgot to mention the light switches! And my experience seeing people have issues with them. Even in GCASL there are confusing switches. Will mention it today.
- I asked a friend who frequents 6 and 5 Metrotech and they mentioned the sensory space in Dibner. It’s unknown and exclusive… I also got feedback that there aren’t any private-r lounge spaces in the IDM floor. Everywhere is open. I agree with this person as I remember when trying to get a sensory room in Tandon, people said they used the bathroom as a private space which is sad
- 2 metrotech’s floors can be confusing to navigate, and I thought about the IDM floor and how it can be confusing too… maybe a map of sorts would help
- I looked at NYC’s Building or Public Space Accessibility Complaint form which includes image attachments, and category. And the date the issue arose.
- The Architectural Barriers Act Complaint form only asks for a description of the issue.
- We talked about stuff to buy and make for the sensory room project!
For next week:
- Fix my blog up on the EAT website
- Contact tom igoe about light switches!!